Directions on Ankle Wrapping
Preparing for Ankle Wrapping
Before you start wrapping your ankle, you need to be sure your bandage is ready and your foot is in the proper position. The elastic bandage needs to be rolled. Some bandages come rolled in the package, but if yours does not, roll it up as tight as you can. You will be unrolling the bandage as you wrap your ankle, so starting with a tightly wrapped roll will give you better control. Elevate your foot on your injured leg to about a 90 degree angle. You need to be able to reach the ball of your foot to begin the wrapping, so elevate the foot the angle that lets you comfortably reach that far.
The Wrapping Process
Start the wrapping process just below your toes on the bottom of your foot. Using your hand to secure the loose end of the bandage on the ball of your foot, wrap the bandage once around your foot, so that the wrap comes around and covers the loose end, holding it in place and allowing you to remove your hand. Pull tight enough so that the bandage holds firm but does not restrict circulation. Repeat this process until you have covered the arch of your foot and have reached your ankle.
When you reach your ankle, the bandage should cross diagonally across your foot, wrap around your ankle and back down and across the foot in a figure eight motion, leaving your heel exposed. After making a few passes of your ankle, cut off any excess bandage and fasten it closed, either using the metal fasteners that came with your bandage or medical tape.
Beware Circulation Problems
Although your bandage should be snug, it is important to make sure it is not so tight that it cuts off your circulation. Keep a close eye on your toes. If they turn blue or become numb, your bandage is too tight and should be loosened immediately.