Ischiogluteal Bursitis Treatment
Rest is always the foremost treatment for ischiogluteal bursitis. Rest prevents further aggravation of the bursitis. Without rest, the pain will likely get worse and one could require surgical removal of the bursa sac.
Types of Treatment
Ice is a highly effective treatment and should be used within the first 48 to 72 hours after symptoms appear. An ice pack should be compressed directly against the pain source. Eventually, a person can use heat to promote blood flow, which carries oxygen and nutrients for healing.
Other Treatments
Anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can alleviate inflammation and pain caused by ischiogluteal bursitis. For more severe pain, oral steroids or a cortisone shot may be prescribed.
Effects of Exercise
Exercises that stretch the hamstring and gluteal muscles can help promote blood flow and relax nerves and muscles. Strengthening adjacent muscles can help alleviate any muscle imbalances that may be causing ischogluteal pain. This will help stabilize the general area where the pain occurs.
Time Frame
It can take months to completely get over ischiogluteal pain. A combination of treatments and consistency is the key to healing the injury.