Relief for Degenerative Bone Disorders
Medications can offer relief for degenerative bone disorders. There are prescription medications and non-prescription medications. Over the counter medications include acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, or NSAIDS, such as aspirin, ibuprofen or Motrin. These can help with pain associated with bone disorders while the anti-inflammatories can give added relief by reducing swelling of the area.
Despite the medications not needing a prescription from your physician, you should always talk to your doctor about any medications you decode to take. Even non-prescription medications can interfere with other medications you may be currently taking. Aspirin is considered a blood thinner and can create problems if you are on other types of blood thinners. Non-steroidal medications can also be hard on the stomach and cause ulcers or other gastrointestinal problems.
You can also get non-prescription creams to rub into the affected area. They can help with pain and soothe inflamed nerves.
Prescription medications that can offer relief are opioids such as morphine, oxycodone, or codeine. These are strong pain relievers and can have side effects. You should let your doctor know all your medications you are currently taking before taking these strong analgesics. If you have any side effects, let your doctor know right away.
Glucosamine-chondroitin sulfate has become a popular form of treatment for degenerative bone disorders over the years. Your doctor may want you to try this medication because when taken over a period of time, it may help to relieve pain as well as help to restore and replenish vital nutrients to your diseased cartilage cells. Glucosamine has been found to be most effective when taken in early stages of osteoarthritis.
Exercise plays a vital role in many aspects of your life. One benefit for degenerative bone disorders is it can give pain relief. Exercise helps to bring better oxygen and blood flow to your extremities, which will help bring important nutrients to cells for healing. Exercise also helps to keep extremities more mobile, which can also aid in pain relief.
Along with exercising regularly, simply staying active will help your pain. By continuing to engage in regular activities you are encouraging your muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints to continue to work and prevent stiffness. If you like to garden, continue. Keep up with normal living from chores to outdoor activities as much as possible.
Physical Therapy
For bone degeneration disorders such as degenerative disc disease, you may need physical therapy to help alleviate pain, help with mobility, as well as aid in range of motion and restore function and strength. Sometimes, especially when the bone degeneration occurs in the spine, you may need traction treatments. You may also be prescribed therapy that teaches you body mechanics. Body mechanics helps you learn positions for sleep, your work and everyday chores so you can prevent further damage, keep range of motion and not lose strength. You may also have ice treatments, ultrasound or electrical stimulation to help control pain and inflammation.