The Best Pain Relief for a Baker's Cyst
Natural Pain Relief
It is important to address the underlying cause of a Baker's cyst to fully treat this condition. Often, there is no treatment required and a Baker's cyst will go away on its own. However, if cysts are large, they can become painful and physical therapy may be needed to aid in pain relief. Physical therapy will require you to follow the P.R.I.C.E principles, which stands for protect, rest, ice, compression and elevation. You can use crutches to protect your legs and take the weight off of knee joints. You should also rest your leg as much as possible and ice your knee to reduce inflammation. It is important to use a wrap to compress your knee and elevate it as much as possible. You can keep your leg elevated at night.
Your physical therapist may require you to do gentle range-of-motion and strengthening exercises. This should aid in pain relief as well as preserve the function of your knee. You should avoid physical activity to reduce any irritation of your knee. In certain conditions, your doctor may recommend the drainage of your knee, which is called needle aspiration. This is done under ultrasound guidance using a needle to drain fluid from the knee joint.
Corticosteroid medication such as cortisone may be injected into your knee. This treatment works quickly to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, aspirin or naprosyn, or acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, can be used to provide pain relief. In certain instances, your doctor may prescribe prescription NSAIDs for a higher dosage.
Underlying Cause
Your doctor may recommend surgery if the underlying problem is a cartilage tear. The torn cartilage is either removed or repaired during surgery. If osteoarthritis is causing your Baker's cyst and the pain and other symptoms do not go away after the cyst's underlying cause is treated, you may need surgery to remove the cyst.
On rare occasions, a Baker's cyst will burst. If this occurs, it will resemble the symptoms of a blood clot, which include swelling, pain and redness in your calf. Seek immediate medical attention if you have these symptoms.