Hammertoe Options
Stop wearing pointed or high heel shoes. If you are just beginning to see signs of hammertoe you can stop wearing the shoes that are causing the condition. Wear low heels and shoes that have better arch supports. This will help the tendons and muscles in the foot to work together and prevent the toes from turning in.
Wear inserts in your shoes as recommended by your physician to reposition the toes. A podiatrist can measure your feet for custom-molded orthotics that fit inside your shoes. This treatment is usually the best option when you first begin to see signs of hammertoe. You will begin to have difficulty moving the toe, and there may be the appearance of corns and calluses when your shoes have rubbed the feet. This is the best time to see your doctor to discuss treatment options.
Consult with your physician if your toe has become rigid and immobile. If the toe has been stretched into the bent position for too long, the tendon will become locked into place. This makes the toe painful to move. The only solution to fix this type of hammertoe is for your doctor to do surgery to remove the cartilage in the toe and fuse part of the bones together. Usually the bone is held together with pins while the area heals. Recovery time is usually around six to eight weeks. If there is a small degree of flexibility, the physician may be able to make an incision on the side of the toe to release the tendon. Both surgeries are done as outpatient procedures.
Learn how to pick things up with your toes. Your doctor may suggest picking up marbles with your toes, you can also use other objects such as socks or ribbons. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles in the toes and help with pain and flexibility.