Exercise for a Tight Lower Lumbar

The lumbar refers to the muscles around your lower back and spine. Often, the deep abdominals are included as well as the buttocks. The most effective way to rehabilitate a tight and painful lumbar is to exercise it. According to the website Sportsinjurybulletin.com, "Dynamic exercises are particularly beneficial because they promote the active range of movement of the spine that is produced and controlled by the muscles" (see Reference 1).
  1. Exercise

    • Always warm up five minutes before doing these exercises by walking on the treadmill or doing the elliptical.

      To perform deep squatting, stand shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outwardly turned, and arms folded on your chest. Imagine that you are sitting down on a chair behind you. Your aim should be to squat down deeply without your heels lifting. Maintain weight primarily on your heels, make sure your knees are aligned with your feet, and head up high. Perform the exercise slowly and pause for two seconds when you cannot go deeper down. Repeat 10 times, two or three sets.

      For the cat exercise, go down on all fours, back neutral and eyes looking down. Inhale, bring your shoulder blades together, extend your head up and back slowly, and arch your thoracic -- upper -- spine. Your lumbar will have arched, too. Hold for three seconds and then reverse the movement so that you look like a scared cat with your entire back vaulted. Exhale slowly and keep the belly button in toward the spine. Hold three seconds. Repeat the sequence 10 times.

      For the downward-facing dog, stay on all fours, but shoulder-width apart now, and raise your behind so that it is up in the air. Arms and knees should be slightly bent. With your heels off the floor and head relaxed, look at your knees. Straighten your spine as much as you can and straighten your arms and knees. Bring the heels to floor if possible and the shoulder blades together so your chest is open. Hold 30 seconds, repeat two to three times.

      For the knees to chest exercise, lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest by contracting the hip and lower abdominal muscles. Hug your knees with your arms and hold them tightly to your chest for 30 seconds. This is good for beginners.

      In the toe reach exercise, sit up and extend your legs straight in front, close together. Your torso and head should be held up high. Extend your arms and reach for your toes. Bring your chest as close as you can to your legs. Hold 20 to 30 seconds. Bend your legs if you have to. Repeat three times.

      For the lower back twist, lie on your back and bring up one knee toward your chest. Move this knee to the side (if it is left knee, bring it to right side). It should come as close to the floor as possible. You may help it a little by pressing it down with your hand. Maintain the shoulders on the ground. Hold for 20 seconds, do the same on the other side. Repeat three times. Not for beginners.


    • Before embarking upon the above exercises, consult with your doctor or physical therapist to ensure you are a good candidate. You do not want to do the exercises if you are in extreme pain or have pain going down your leg.

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