How to Build Lumbar Muscles
The muscles of the lumbar spine are divided into three groups based on location and function. The first one is called psoas major and attach to the front. These muscles flex the hip joint and arch the lower back. The abdominals would go into this group. The second consists of quadratus lumborum and the lateral intertransversarii and attach to the sides. They flex the lumbar spine to the sides and help with rotation. Last, we have interspinales, intertransversarii mediales, multifidi, lumbar erector spinae (longissimus and iliocostalis) and the glutes.These muscles extend the lumbar spine. (Ref. 2,3) You need to keep these muscles strong and flexible to avoid back pain.Things You'll Need
- Exercise mat
Exercise Plan
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the ground, arms by your side. Contract your abdomen and your glutes--your buttocks. If you contract your abs and glutes hard enough, you will feel how the back of your waist connects with the floor and your glutes lift from the mat. Your pelvis is now tilted up. Hold for seven counts, then relax. Repeat this and all other exercises noted here five to ten times.
Stay in the same position. Contract your anterior neck muscles by touching your chest with your chin. Hold for five seconds. Relax and move your head back to the mat.
Lie face down on mat. Rest your head onto your folded hands. Tighten your glute muscles. Hold for three seconds, then relax.
Remain face down. While keeping your legs extended, lift one as high as you can. Hold for three seconds, bring back to mat and repeat with the other leg.
Lie on your back with your arms folded over the chest, knees slightly bent, and lift your head and shoulders. Your stomach muscles should be contracting. Hold for three seconds. Never do sit ups with your legs straight.
Find someone who can hold your shoulders down on the mat while you do this exercise. Lift your legs up and roll them from side to side, holding three seconds on each side.
Find more exercises in the resources part below.