Quick Cure Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is an injury that involves the irritation and the inflammation of the plantar fascia. Plantar fascia is the tissue that connects your heel bone to the base of your toes. It has many causes such as abnormal foot structure, overuse, running, obesity and wearing improper footwear.
Treatments include resting, elevating, icing, wearing orthotics, massaging and exercising. Many patients also find the use of anti-inflammation medications helpful with the swelling.
Plantar fasciitis exercise is a remedy that should include stretching your calf muscles and improving its flexibility because tight calf muscles will only put additional strain on your plantar fascia. Additionally, exercises that focus on strengthening and stretching your plantar fascia and its surrounding muscles should also be included for rehabilitation.
There are many quick and effective exercises that you can do help heal your plantar fasciitis, but it is good to remember that any weakness in your leg will affect your foot and can exacerbate your injury. Therefore it is a advisable to also stretch and strengthen your hamstrings, calves and Achilles tendon in addition to exercises that isolate the foot.
The plantar fasciitis exercises that gently stretches the plantar fascia are prone hip extension, towel stretch, standing calf stretch and sitting plantar fascia stretch. When you are ready, try more intensive stretches like the Achilles stretch and frozen can roll. See Resources 1 for images.
After doing your stretches, continue with strengthening exercises for your plantar fascia, this include towel pickup, balance and reach exercises, heel raise and side-lying leg lift.
Balance and reach exercises can be done with a chair for additional support. You can do this by standing upright next the chair with your injured leg positioned farthest from the chair. Stand and put your weight on the foot of your injured leg then try to raise your injured foot arch while keeping your toes on the floor. Next, while keeping your foot in the same position, reach forward in front of you with your hand farthest away from the chair. Allow your knee to bend.