How to Tape the Back of the Leg to Support the Tendon
Things You'll Need
- Underwrap
- Shaver
- 5 cm-wide stretch tape (adhesive)
- 3.5 cm-wide non-stretch tape (zinc oxide)
- Scissors
Prepare the leg. Shave any hair on the leg from the ankle to the knee. If you choose not to shave the leg, you can also apply underwrap tape with an adhesive spray. These steps ensure that the wrapping remains in place.
Apply the 5 cm tape to the leg. Wrap a strip of the tape once around the calf approximately three inches below the kneecap. Wrap a second piece of tape once around the calf so that it overlaps the first wrap and leaves 2/3 of the previous wrap showing.
Wrap a piece of 3.5 cm tape around the foot. Position the wrapping in the center of the foot. This wrapping serves as an "anchor" for additional wrappings.
Apply a strip of tape along the back of the calf. Using the 5 cm stretch tape, place one end at the "anchor" taping on the bottom of the foot and draw it up and along the calf to the "anchor" taping on the upper calf. Press the ends securely, but do not press the tape down onto the tendon.
Secure the heel and tendon. Using the 5cm tape, begin the wrapping at the the outside edge of the "anchor" taping on the calf and draw the tape down and across the calf to the inside of the ankle. Wrap the tape under the heel and pull it back up and across the calf to the "anchoring" tape. Cut and firmly press the ends of the tape.
Use the 3.5 cm tape to stabilize the wrapping. Tape the ends of the 5 cm wrappings into place at each "anchor" spot. The 3.5 cm tape should securely hold the 5 cm tape at the upper calf and at the underside of the foot. Use a third piece of 3.5 cm tape to wrap around the tendon. Do not over-tighten the tape on the tendon or it could cut off circulation.