How to Rebuild a Tendon of the Elbow
Contact your physician. An experienced doctor will be able to diagnose the severity of the injury and suggest the appropriate treatment. Individuals who are inactive or elderly may choose to avoid surgery. Surgery, however, is necessary to regain the normal strength and control of the arm.
The surgeon will make an incision by the elbow to access the tendon and assess the injury firsthand. Sometimes two incisions are made in more severe cases. Discuss these options with your doctor before the surgery.
The surgeon will drill small holes for the tendon to be reattached to the bone. This is the only way to ensure that the tendon remains firmly in place. Patients with osteoporosis or other diseases of the bone should discuss the safety of this surgery with their doctor.
The surgeon then stitches the tendon into place or uses metal anchors placed within the bone to hold it in place. Discuss the advantages of each option with your surgeon. The arm will be able to regain complete range of motion only if the tendon is firmly anchored to the bone.
The surgeon restitches the incisions made and bandages the wound. Be sure to discuss the proper dressing for the incision and timetable for recovery with your doctor. Keeping the incision clean on a consistent and regular basis will ensure that is does not become infected.
Begin rehabilitation. Surgery is the first step in rebuilding the tendon. Performing rehabilitation exercises outlined by a physical therapist will help in returning to full strength. Recovery from this type of injury is slow, and patience and consistent strengthening of the tendon are necessary.