Home Treatment for Bulging Discs
Limit Activity
While rest will be the top recommendation, doctors at the Mayo Clinic advise to get some activity while treating a bulging disc. It is best to do no or low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking or cycling.
Pain Management
Treat the pain with NAISDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen. There are many over-the-counter ones available or your doctor may prescribe something stronger.
Reduce Swelling
Limiting activity and taking NAISDs will help reduce swelling and thus pressure and pain in your back. You should also use ice for 20 minutes at a time several times a day to take swelling down, especially after activity.
Use a brace through the day or pillows while sitting or sleeping to support your spine. Don't do any movements, such as bending and lifting, that will strain your injury.
Warm Your Back Up
Ice is used to reduce swelling and is best used after activity. Use a heating pad to warm the muscles of your back up and relieve the stiffness in your back to maintain mobility.