How to Select a Knee Brace

A knee brace is a form of sleeve you pull up around your knee to give it support. It comes in several shapes, but there are four main categories according to the American Family Physician: "Prophylactic braces, designed to protect knees from injuries during contact sports like football; functional braces for already injured knees; rehabilitative braces, which limit harmful knee movements while a knee is healing after an injury or surgery; and patello-femoral braces, which help the kneecap move smoothly over the knee joint." Some physicians question just how effective the use of a knee brace is, but some patients swear by them.


  1. Process

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      Determine that you will actually benefit from wearing a knee brace. The best person to do this is your doctor. Keep in mind that a brace may not help you. In fact, it may make your condition worse. The American Academy of Family Physicians website points out that, "some people are afraid that knee braces may actually increase the number of knee injuries in athlete." However, most people say it seems their knee braces help them.

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      Go to a drugstore to buy a basic knee brace. It will cost between $10 and $20. A typical knee brace is simply an elastic sleeve that you pull up over your knee. It is likely to help your knees feel better if you stand up all day, have pulled a muscle or two, or you have weakened joints due to arthritis or osteoporosis.

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      Find a medical supply store for more advanced knee braces. For example, if you have very weak knees that keep getting injured or severe arthritis that result in inflamed and swollen knees, you may need a knee brace that compresses the knee. These types of knee braces are fortified with neoprene. According to the medical website, "the use of neoprene helps retain natural body heat, which increases circulation, thereby reducing swelling and speeding recovery." They cost about $20.

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      Pick out a knee brace designed for playing sports if this is when and why you will use one. Keep in mind that a knee brace will not necessarily protect you from injury. Make sure you put it on correctly. Poorly positioned knee braces may do more harm than good. Wear it all the time when you play sports. A sports knee brace should cost between $20 and $40.

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