What Is The Best Exercise for Knee Implant Surgery?
Best Exercise Post-Surgery
You want to spend about eight weeks doing home exercises after your knee implant surgery. Typical recommended exercises include quadriceps setting, terminal knee extension, heels slides, straight leg raises and pillow squeezes. You can do all of them while still in bed. Do them every day.
Quadriceps Setting: Lie down on your back, both legs extended. Contract the quad muscles of both legs so that the back of your knees meet the mattress. Hold five seconds and relax five seconds. Repeat 10 to 20 times. Do as many times as you can per hour and try to each time contract your quads a bit more.
Terminal Knee Extension: This is essentially the same exercise as the quad setting except you place a rolled-up towel under your knees so that your legs have a slight bend. Contract the quad muscles until your lower legs lift off the bed and straighten. Hold five to 10 seconds, then lower. Repeat 10 to 20 times.
Heel Slides: same starting position as the quad set. Work one leg at a time. Slide the heel toward your buttock as closely as you can endure. Move a towel with your heel if it is easier. Repeat five times, two sets.
Straight Leg Raise: same starting position. Work one leg at a time. Bring one---very straight---leg toward the ceiling no higher than 10 inches from bed, holding five seconds. Bring leg back, rest two seconds. Repeat 10 to 20 times.
Pillow Squeeze: Place pillow between knees and squeeze it for a count of 10. Repeat 10 to 20 times.
General Best Exercises
The best exercises after a knee implant are swimming, water aerobics, cross-country skiing (or skiing simulator), cycling or stationary bike, golf and dancing. You may also hike, play gentle doubles tennis or gentle downhill skiing.
Exercise Considerations
Even if you feel as though you may be able to do anything after your knee implant, it is not recommended that you jog or run, do any kind of impact exercises, play sports that require twisting/pivoting (aggressive tennis, basketball, racquetball), participate in contact sports or do heavy labor.