What Are the Treatments for Calcium Deposits?
Ice Pack/Immobilization
Depending on which part of the body is affected by the calcium deposits, you can use an ice pack to bring the swelling down and decrease pain. Along with that, stabilize the body part with a wrap or Ace bandage to decrease any unnecessary movement or action.
Another treatment option for calcium deposits is to take oral medications with anti-inflammatory properties. These medications can include, but are not limited too, aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. These will reduce the muscle or tissue inflammation at the site of the deposits.
Cortisone Injection
If the pain becomes very severe for the patient, the doctor may recommend a cortisone or steroid injection to relieve the pain. Most steroids will reduce the amount of inflammation, pain or swelling by the binding near the cortisol receptors.
If the pain becomes intense and unmanageable, calcium deposits may have become very large and surgery may be necessary. Arthroscopic surgery is often performed to remove the calcium deposits before they grow any larger. The deposits do not grow back once they are removed.
If you have calcium deposits and are concerned about treatment options, speak with a doctor and seek professional medical advice.