How to Doctor a Bruised Tendon
Things You'll Need
- Ice
- Plastic bag
- Thin towel
- Heating pad
- Elastic bandage
- Pillows
Stop what you are doing and rest. This is the first part of the acronym. You may be tempted to continue your game of sports or whatever activity you were engaged in until it is over. This can actually cause further injury to your tendon so you need to sit on the sidelines and rest.
Set some ice in a plastic bag and then wrap that with a thin towel. Set it on your bruised tendon immediately for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Continue doing this until the swelling goes down.
Begin alternating the ice with a heating pad. Do this until the swelling is completely gone. Then just use the heating pad for 20 minutes each time.
Wrap your tendon with an elastic bandage. This will apply the necessary compression that your tendon needs to heal. You will want to wear this bandage as often as possible.
Prop your bruised tendon up with some pillows so that it is higher than your heart. Do this whenever you sit or lie down. This is the fourth letter of the acronym which stands for elevation.
Begin exercising your tendon after the majority of your healing has taken place. This should be between 10 and 20 days, and when the majority of your pain has ceased. You will want to work on stretching the tendon back out. A sports therapist can give you specific exercises to work on at home until you are ready to get active again.