Conservative Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis
The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research defines plantar fasciitis as a common cause of heel pain that involves pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot.
Conservative treatments for plantar fasciitis include icing, resting, elevating, foot strapping, massaging, mild stretching and taking over the counter anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling.
Icing your injured foot will help to reduce the pain as well as swelling. You should rest to avoid further strain on your foot as it will only worsen your condition. Massaging and gently stretching the affected area will help to relax and soothe the muscles. When your plantar fascia tightens up, your heel becomes more susceptible to stress.
Orthotic inserts for your shoes will add arch support to help distribute pressure to your foot. This will aid in reducing further strain to your plantar fascia and will help it to recover faster.
You should treat your plantar fasciitis immediately as ignoring the symptoms can result in a chronic condition that is more difficult to treat. You may also develop other related injuries such as foot, knee, hip or back problems if left untreated.