Home Remedy for Tight Tendons in the Arm
Rest your arm. Tendonitis is a swelling of your tendons caused by overexertion or over use. Resting the affected area can speed your recovery and lower the inflammation, which will allow you to move on with your home therapy.
Heat and Cold
Apply a hot/cold rub to affected area. "Icy Hot," "Tiger Balm" and other capcasin (cap-SAY-sin) based creams and rubs penetrate the skin and encourage blood flow, which speeds the healing process. Also, homeopathic remedies such as Rhus Toxa or Dimethyl Sulfoxide are available at health food and nutrition stores. They act in the same manner, but without petrochemical bases.
Find a physical therapist. For severely tight arms, you may need to visit a physical therapist. She will guide you on how to loosen those tendons up as well as strengthen your muscles to prevent further injury.
Even if it is not a severe case, you should practice stretching and do mild exercises, increasing exercise times and intensity slowly as you recover so as to prevent further injury.