How to Recover Exercises for a Broken Hand
Things You'll Need
- Soft ball
Hand Exercises
Perform finger flexions to keep the fingers from getting stiff. Place the broken hand on a table or in your lap and open it palm facing up. Slowly move each finger using your other hand. Bend each finger towards the palm gently. If there is excessive pain, stop the stretch. If it is one of your fingers that is broken, do not flex that finger. If moving one of the fingers around it hurt the affected finger do not stretch that finger either.
Perform a thumb abduction to improve the hand's range of motion. Hold the hand palm up with the fingers held together and the thumb pointing out to the side. Take your other hand and gently, using the thumb and forefinger, spread the affected hand's thumb away from that hand's forefinger using a scissor motion.
Take a soft ball in the hand and softly squeeze it to work all the muscles of the hand. Repeat this several times throughout the day, making sure not to over work the hand.
Perform a wrist flexion to keep the muscles in the top of the hand and in the palm from tightening. Hold the arm with the affected hand out in front of your body with the hand pointing straight out. Gently raise the hand towards the ceiling with the fingers together and stiff. Hold this for 10 seconds, then lower the hand until it is pointing towards the floor. Hold in that position for ten seconds and repeat.