Reason for Pain in the Left Arm
Left arm pain that is associated with a heart attack will also include other symptoms of a heart attack. Also present may be chest pain, tightness around the chest, difficulty breathing, and sweating. Immediate medical care is required.
An injury to the arm, muscles, and/or joints can cause pain. Overuse, a fracture, a broken bone, a torn ligament, or an exercise-related injury can all cause arm pain and require treatment and rest. Bursitis, tendinitis, and nerve damage are all possible causes.
Fall or Repetitive Stess
A fall or an injury from an accident may be another cause of left arm pain. Repetitive stress injury or carpal tunnel syndrome may also be to blame.
Panic attacks or anxiety disorders can manifest through left arm pain. Both may cause the heart to beat harder and thus put stress on the muscles around and connecting to the arm. Meditation, relaxation exercises and biofeedback can help.
Tennis Elbow
Playing tennis is not always the cause of tennis elbow, and the pain from this condition can affect the entire arm. It may result from overuse or any repetitive activity. The pain is usually around the elbow area, and it may also cause pain and weakness in the wrist and the lower arm.
See a doctor immediately if the left arm pain comes on suddenly, if there is a protruding bone, if other injuries are present, or if there is bleeding. Less serious arm pain responds to the PRICE method: protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation.