How to Heal a Hurt Knee
Things You'll Need
- Ibuprofen or naproxen
- Knee brace
- Ice
- Ice pack or hand towel
- Heating pad
- Two chairs
Treatment For Your Knee Injury
Stop all physical activity for a few days and stay off your feet as much as possible. During this time, wear a knee brace when you need to get around. Take ibuprofen or naproxen as directed until your inflammation and pain have subsided.
Put ice in an ice pack or inside a hand towel. Strap or wrap the ice pack or towel around your knee so that it is compressed directly against your injury. Leave the ice on your knee for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this procedure every three or four hours throughout the day.
When your inflammation and pain are under control, use a heating pad on your knee several times per day.
Perform the following exercises: Sit in a chair. Place your foot on top of another chair so that your injured knee is slightly elevated (place book under your foot if chairs are same height). Using just your leg muscles, push your knee downward and hold for five to 10 seconds. Repeat five times.
Next, stand up and place one foot forward and put your hands on your hips. Slowly bend your rear leg until your feel the stretch in your hamstring. Hold that position for five to 10 seconds, then straighten your rear leg. Do five repetitions with each leg.