How to Treat Chronic Tendonitis
Change your daily routine to include a rest from the repetitive activity triggering the chronic tendonitis. If you type a lot, incorporate breaks throughout the day to give your arms, shoulders, wrists a break. If you play sports change the number of times you play each week.
Apply an ice pack to the affected area as often as possible. Ice will help reduce the inflammation often associated with chronic tendonitis. Reducing the inflammation helps the tendon be able to return to its normal state, which in turn will alleviate the pain.
Take over the counter anti-inflammatory medications according to the package directions. There are many different brands as well as generic store brands that will work. Take the medication at the same time each day during the tendonitis flare-up to maintain constant relief.
Perform stretching exercises recommended for chronic tendonitis. Ask your physician for a list of appropriate exercises.
Receive cortisone injections to the affected area. This treatment option is usually reserved for the most severe cases or cases in which the other treatment attempts are unsuccessful.