Natural Healing for Bone Spurs
Natural Healing for Bone Spurs
For those seeking alternatives to prescription drugs or cortisone shots, other treatment options are available. General recommendations include weight loss, reducing activity and resting affected area, and wearing cushioned footwear to decrease negative effects of activity.
External Treatments
Several natural remedies can be used to alleviate the pain of bone spurs and help with healing. Icing the affected area or alternating hot and cold compresses or foot baths may alleviate discomfort and begin the healing process. Using a hot linseed oil pack on the affected area is one recommended herbal remedy. Heat linseed oil in a pan (do not allow to boil) and saturate a white cloth with the warm oil. Carefully apply to affected area, cover with plastic and then a heating pad to maintain heat, and leave in place for one to two hours. Flaxseed also works as an effective ingredient to be used in a hot pack.
Acupuncture, which involves inserting very fine needles into the skin at various points on the body, is another treatment option, according to the National Institutes of Health. Natural, pain-relieving chemicals produced by the body are released and may improve your ability to function while bone spurs heal.
Nutritional Supplements
A variety of nutritional supplements---vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies---are believed to alleviate symptoms and accelerate the healing process. Calcium (1,200 mg per day) and magnesium (600 mg per day) supplements rebuild and strengthen bones. Rose hip and horsetail tea can be consumed to strengthen tissues. Steep one tsp. of the herbs in one cup of tea and drink three times daily. Turmeric and its yellow pigment curcumin are supplements that help with pain and the curing of bone spurs, according to The suggested dose of curcumin is 500 to 1,000 mg taken three times each day for six weeks. Other supplements that may provide anti-inflammatory relief to promote healing include shark cartilage, bromelain, evening primrose oil, aloe vera juice, kelp and glucosamine sulfate.