Frozen Shoulder Pain Management
Pain Medication
Control shoulder pain and preserve range of motion by taking pain medication prescribed by your physician. Relieve pain from frozen shoulder with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. Your doctor may also suggest over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen or Tylenol for pain relief. Injecting corticosteroid medications into the affected area may help decrease symptoms and pain in the shoulder joint. Apply heat to the affected area and ask your physician if you could benefit from massage therapy to alleviate pain.
Physical Therapy
Engage in physical therapy to restore mobility to your shoulder and minimize pain. A physical therapist can show you exercises that will not cause additional stress and pain to your shoulder. A variety of exercises can be done to help frozen shoulder symptoms, some of which can be completed at home. One exercise is to stand up straight, place one arm across your body and hold it underneath the elbow with your other hand. Push on your elbow until you feel resistance. Relax and switch arms. Another exercise is to lie flat on your back and stretch your arm out straight behind you and over your head. Grab your elbow with your other hand and push until you feel resistance. Relax and switch arms. Always consult a physician before you begin any exercise program.
Avoid letting your shoulder be immobile for long periods of time to prevent frozen shoulder from returning and to minimize pain. Continue moving your shoulder so it will not become stiff. For example, try rolling your shoulder when you are sitting straight in a chair. One shoulder stretch is to place one arm across your body under your chin and parallel to the ground. Take your other hand and gently push your arm towards your body while you count to 10. Repeat the stretch four times and switch arms.