How to Stop Calcium Deposits
Things You'll Need
- Calcium plus vitamin D supplement
- Magnesium tablets
- Dairy products
Stop Calcium Deposits
Eat a balanced diet. Your body needs nutrition from all vitamin and mineral sources to function properly. Try to eat whole foods (like spinach or kale) and make a switch to an organic diet plan.
Take a calcium plus vitamin D supplement once a day to aid in the absorption of calcium. Adolescent young women will need a greater deal of calcium during their formative years (aged 12 to 25) so it is important to get the recommended dose of calcium to not only prevent deposits but prevent the onset of osteoporosis.
Take a magnesium supplement once a day.
Consume dairy products low in saturated fat like skim milk, fat-free yogurt and low-fat cheeses in moderation.
Make an appointment with your doctor if calcium deposits refuse to go away or if they become overly painful. If calcium deposits regularly occur, see your doctor regularly.