Hughston's Rotator Cuff Exercises
Exercise Descriptions
The Hughston exercises are all done in the prone position, lying on a table or the floor. There are six main exercises.
In the first exercise, you hold your arms straight out, parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your body. Point your thumbs toward your head, raise your arms 90 degrees while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for two seconds, then lower your arms to the starting position.
Exercise two is similar to the first except you start with your thumbs pointing upward. As with the first exercise, raise arms 90 degrees, hold for two seconds then lower to starting position.
For exercise three, start with your thumbs pointing toward your head and elbows bent. Lift the arms as high as possible, then return to the starting position.
Exercise four is the same as exercise three, but you start with the thumbs upward, pointing toward the ceiling.
In exercise five, position your arms straight by your side, palms facing down and thumbs pointing away from your body. Lift the arms as high as you can, hold for two seconds, then lower to the starting position.
For exercise six, start as in exercise one but with a bent elbow. Rotate your arm as if you were going to pitch a ball and then return to the starting position.
Exercise Instructions
All of these exercises should be done in one sitting. When first starting, do 10 repetitions each and with no weights. As the shoulder becomes stronger, repetitions can be increased and light weights can be added. If the shoulder becomes sore, short icing will help with any pain or swelling.
Before starting Hughston's rotator cuff exercise program, consult with your doctor or physical therapist for the proper technique and instructions.