How to Diagnose Tendonitis
Things You'll Need
- X-ray or other imaging tests
Seeking a Diagnosis
See a physician if you have symptoms such as pain, tenderness, and swelling. Also see a physician if these symptoms begin to inhibit your normal daily routines, or if the pain is continuous.
Get a physical examination by your physician. According to the Mayo Clinic, a physician can usually determine if you have tendonitis with just an exam.
Get tests if your physician requires them to rule out other possible reasons for your symptoms. Get an X-ray to make sure you didn't fracture a bone; that could be causing your pain.
Get an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) if your physician recommends this test. This exam can locate the exact cause of your swelling and pain.
Treat your symptoms as directed by your physician. Use the P.R.I.C.E. method. You need to protect your injury (as directed by your physician), rest your injury, use ice on the injury, use compression to minimize swelling and elevate your injury.