How to Get Rid of Middle Aged Knee Pain

Knee pain is a problem that afflicts millions of Americans every day. Although it can be caused from injury, trauma, illness, and other factors, one of the most common causes - especially for middle-aged adults - is simple wear and tear. The knee joint sustains tremendous pressure as it twists, rotates, bends, and pushes. So some pain as you age is almost unavoidable. Knowing some simple steps to alleviate this problem can be helpful.

Things You'll Need

  • Ice
  • Pain Reliever
  • Topical Analgesic
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  1. How to get rid of Middle-Aged Knee Pain

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      Take a pain reliever. The best choices are NSAID's (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). These are drugs such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Naproxen, and Aspirin. They work specifically to decrease swelling and inflammation, which are the two main causes of knee pain.

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      Ice the knee if it is painful. By using an ice pack for 20 minutes, and elevating the knee while you ice it, you can significantly decrease any swelling that may be causing your pain.

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      Use a topical analgesic, like Icy Hot, and rub it into the sore knee. This is especially useful before and after exercise. You can also use this at night.

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      Use common sense and don't push the knee too far. Before you do any sporting activity, make a point to stretch the muscles in your legs, which will help you avoid irritation and injury of the knee joint.

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      Take a hot bath. Hot water is a great way to relax sore joints and muscles.

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