What Can I Do to Help Tendinitis in the Arms?
Rest the affected arm by avoiding any sports or exercise. Immobilize the arm with a sling or splint. Immobilization allows the tendon to relax, easing inflammation. Apply ice packs to the painful area to reduce swelling. Ice packs may be applied several times a day for 5 to 10 minutes each session. Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin or Advil to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Use topical creams such as Flexall that penetrate muscle tissues and provide pain relief.
Physical Therapy
Start physical therapy exercises a few weeks after a tendon injury, giving the injury time to heal. Physical therapy exercises begin slowly, strengthening surrounding muscles to support the injured tendon. Lift small 2-lb. weights at 10 repetitions for three sessions. Gradually increase weight as you feel your muscles getting stronger. Reduce weight if you feel pain in the arm. Physical therapy helps improve arm function and range of motion and prevents further injury.
Other Treatments
Wrap the affected area with elastic wraps to reduce swelling. Wraps compress the affected tendon and allow for better range of motion. Elevate the arm when sitting or lying down by placing a pillow under the arm. Elevating the arm above the heart reduces swollen tissue in the injured area.
Immobilization is needed during the first days of an injury, but stiffness may result if the arm is stationary too long. Start moving the arm slowly a few days after injury to keep blood circulating through the arm. Blood circulation promotes healing to damaged tissues.
Ultrasound treatment uses sound waves to break down scar tissue in the tendon. Your health provider applies a gel to the affected area and a wand attached to the ultrasound machine glides over the gel. The treatment should increase flexibility and reduce pain.
Discuss with your doctor all treatment options for tendinitis in the arms.