Why Does it Hurt So Much to Walk With Plantar Fasciitis?
You suffer pain with plantar fasciitis due to inflammation in the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot, connecting your heel bone to your toes.
Walking Pain
The plantar fascia stretches with your every step. It hurts when you walk because the tissue is already overstretched and irritated or inflamed.
Risk Factors
Normally, your plantar fascia supports the arch in your foot. However, repetitive stretching and tearing can cause damage to the fascia. That's why plantar fasciitis is most common in people who engage in exercise that put a lot of stress on the heel, such as running and hiking.
Other risk factors are being between 40 and 60 in age, obesity, foot abnormalities and gender, as women are more likely to be affected.
Instead of walking for exercise, try other physical activities that put less impact on your foot such as swimming and yoga. Do exercises to stretch your plantar fascia that will help tone and strengthen your lower leg muscles. This will help to stabilize your ankle and heel and to prevent future injuries.
Resting, icing, mild stretching and the use of anti-inflammatory medications usually are very effective in treating plantar fasciitis. Wear shoes with proper support and cushioning for your heel to protect it from strain and impact. Wearing proper shoes also is a good way to prevent the condition.