How to Get Rid of Gout Crystals
Begin taking a course of anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen or naproxen. A doctor can prescribe a higher dose than is available over the counter if needed. Continue taking anti-inflammatories until the attack has passed or your doctor recommends other treatment.
Drink a lot of water, but reduce any alcohol intake, which can slow down elimination of uric acid from the blood.
Alter your diet to eliminate certain foods such as those rich in purines and protein that contribute to uric acid production. These include red meat, organ meats, fatty fish, dried beans and asparagus.
Get a prescription from your doctor for Allopurinal, which will decrease the production of uric acid and help dissolve the existing crystals. This should be a last resort, when diet and anti-inflammatories are not effective as there are several complicating side effects.