What Are the Extensor Tendons?
A tendon is a band of tissue that connects a muscle to a bone. Tendons are capable of withstanding large amounts of tension and they work directly with the muscles to exert a pulling force against the body.
In The Hand
The extensor tendons of the hand attach to forearm muscles and branch across the hand and into each finger. These tendons are necessary for the delicate and precise movements of the hands and fingers.
In The Feet
The extensor tendons of the feet attach to muscles in the lower leg and branch out across the foot and into the toes. These tendons work with the muscles to pull the foot upward and downward.
Because they are so close to the skin, extensor tendons can easily tear or separate from the bone with trauma to the hand or foot. They can also become inflamed and painful if overused.
Extensor tendons are more likely to tear or separate in the hand. In this case, the tendon will need to be stitched and the hand will be placed in a splint for up to eight weeks. The extensor tendons in the feet are likely to become inflamed. Treatment includes rest and cold therapy to reduce inflammation.