Recovery Time for Rotator Cuff Surgery
Hospital Recovery
Recovery starts at the hospital. You will spend a few hours after surgery in the recovery room. When in recovery and for the first day, you may be hooked up to a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine that will slowly and gently move the arm and shoulder to keep the joint from becoming stiff. During the first two weeks, you will be on pain medication. While in the hospital, a physical therapist will show you shoulder exercises to perform at the hospital and at home to keep the shoulder from getting stiff. You should be discharged after two days.
At-Home Recovery
While at home, keep the arm and shoulder immobile by wearing a sling or a shoulder immobilizer. Use this for approximately one month. You will be encouraged to walk without the sling, but keep the arm close to your side. Stretching exercises will continue, but no reaching or lifting will be allowed. Daily activities such as driving, shopping or personal care will require assistance.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy and rehabilitation actually start at the hospital and continues for about 12 weeks. The success of the surgery and the healing process will depend on how well you adhere to the exercises and instructions prescribed by the physical therapist. Most exercises can be done at home, but physical therapy sessions may be needed as a follow-up to ensure that the shoulder's range of motion is progressing.
After 12 weeks of rehabilitation, an exercise program should begin to strengthen the joint and continue improving flexibility. This may involve rubber bands or light weights. For full recovery from rotator cuff surgery, it is extremely important to adhere to an exercise program. Strengthening exercises should continue for up to a year to ensure the shoulder is strong enough to handle any task.
Activities such as golf or swimming can resume as soon as six months after surgery. During this time, avoid heavy lifting or any jarring activities such as chopping wood until given the OK by your physician. Full recovery from shoulder surgery may take up to one year.