Spinal Bone Spur Treatment Options
General Treatment Information
If your bone spurs are not causing any pain or affecting movement, treatment will not be necessary. If they are problematic, your doctor will determine the appropriate course of action. Standard treatment consists of medication and surgery.
If your bone spurs are causing pain, you can use over-the-counter NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Motrin or Advil. If the pain is more severe, your doctor can prescribe stronger NSAIDs or other types of pain medication.
If your pain is very severe, as in the case of spinal stenosis, steroid injections provide fast relief from pain and inflammation.
If your spinal bone spurs are interfering with normal movement or your general daily living, surgery might be necessary. Surgical removal of the spurs aims to relieve pressure on the spine and give it more space in addition to relieving movement problems.The type of surgery you have will depend on the individual circumstances of your condition.
Your doctor might use an open procedure, which involves cutting through the skin to expose the affected area. The other option is an arthroscopic procedure, which involves small incisions that allow the surgeon to insert small, surgical tools to remove the spurs. A tiny camera attached to the equipment allows your doctor to see the area he is operating on.
Spinal Stenosis Treatment
If your spinal bone spurs have caused spinal stenosis, you might need other types of treatments to alleviate the symptoms. The combination supplement, chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, has proved effective against arthritis in general. but it is not known if it is effective for spinal arthritis. Talk to your doctor if you are interested in using these supplements. Working with a physical therapist improves strength and flexibility. A back brace or a corset can give extra support, particularly if you have weak abdominal muscles or if several areas of your spine have been affected.
If your bone spurs are causing pain, the following self-care measures can help alleviate discomfort. Talk to your doctor about designing an exercise regimen. Regular exercise improves the strength and flexibility of your spine. Place a pillow or a rolled towel in the small of your back when sitting to help it keep its natural curve. When driving, position your seat so your hips and knees are level and move the seat far enough forward that you are not reaching for the pedals. Use a firm mattress. Lose excess body weight to relieve pressure on your bones and joints.