Reasons A Doctor Would Request a Bone Scan
Bone scans are classified as a type of nuclear medicine scan and can be used to view the inner body, including organs, for medical diagnosis. An injection is performed via the arm with a radioactive substance.
Metastatic Cancer
Metastatic cancer begins in one location and spreads. For example, breast cancer may spread to the lungs. A bone scan can help doctors confirm the metastatic cancer and its growth rate.
Fractures occur when there is a break in a bone. In one type of fracture, called a complete fracture, the bone completely fragments. A physician may use a bone scan instead of an x-ray to receive a clearer view of the fracture.
Bone Pain
A doctor may use a bone scan when a patient experiences bone pain. First, he will investigate the bone pain by questioning the location, pattern and time of the pain. A bone scan may help determine if the pain is from cancer or from overuse during a walk.
Bone Trauma
A bone scan can check the degree of bone trauma in a car accident patient. The patient may not feel the initial trauma but the nuclear procedure can help determine the trauma level and facilitate a treatment plan.