Ways to Cure Leg & Ankle Pain
Effects of Rest, Ice & Heat
Regardless of the source of pain, rest is usually recommended to prevent exacerbating the injury. Rest allows time for the ice to reduce inflammation and pain, the initial phase of the curing process. Ice creates vasoconstriction, which minimizes swelling and aching by limiting the flow of blood and lymph to the area. Ice packs are effective for ensuring that the ice is compressed against the affected area. Elevating an injury above the heart can also cut back on inflammation and pain. Once the swelling has subsided, heat can be used to increase blood flow (with its healing properties) to the affected area.
Effects of Medication
Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen can also reduce inflammation and pain. A combination of ice and ibuprofen (or naproxen) can be highly effectively in curing ankle and leg pain. These medicines serve as Cox-2 inhibitors, which alleviate pain and swelling. They accomplish this by limiting Cox-2 enzymes and prostaglandins (chemicals), the body's natural response to injuries. Topical creams such as Bengay may also help alleviate and cure pain. A doctor may need to prescribe steroids for more severe ankle and leg pain.
Types of Stretching Exercises
Stretching exercises can loosen up tight muscles and joints. This can alleviate pain and prepare these muscles for activity again. The initial range of stretching motions should be limited to movements that do not cause pain. Ankle stretches can include moving the foot in different directions and holding the position. Stretching the calf muscles can gradually help you recover from both Achilles tendon and calf pain. Resistance exercises such as bicycling, walking and light weightlifting can help you recover from leg and ankle pain. Exercise is the best way to increase blood flow to the area. Massage is another way to overcome pain in this area by helping tight muscles relax.
Time Frame
There is no set time frame for curing leg and ankle pain. It will take longer for severe pain and injuries to heal. Typically, the more proactive you are in your treatment, the quicker you will cure leg and ankle pain.
There are times when ankle and leg pain can be more serious than just a strain or tendinitis. If you have trouble putting weight on your feet or if swelling does not improve after three days, you may need a doctor's assistance in curing your leg and ankle pain. Different treatment methods will be need for diseases such as Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), a potentially dangerous circulation problem.