Procedures for Use of Hydrocollator Hot Packs
How To Use The Hydrocollator Packs
Boil a large pot of water and remove it from the stove. Let the pack soak in the hot water for 20 minutes or more. Wrap a towel over it twice and place it on the area that needs treatment. If that's too hot, fold the gel pack in towels with three to five layers on the bottom and one on the top. Place the pack on the ailing body part. Add more towels if it feels too hot or take off towel layers if it's too cool. The heat should last for around 30 minutes, but the treated area will feel the effects for up to an hour after the heat pack application. Be sure to check on the skin to make sure it has not burned. A cold compress can be put on the skin if so.
Precautionary Measures
Be certain to not let the hydrocollator packs get dry between uses because they have a tendency to crack if they are not kept moist. They can be frozen in plastic bags or stored in the heated water of an actual hydroculator unit that you purchase.
Do not to heat the hydrocollator pack in the oven or a microwave because you run the risk of it bursting.
Replace the packs if they begin to show signs of wear and tear and purchase new ones.