Homeopathic Remedies for Carpal Tunnel
Massage the Area
Massage your wrist area. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration advises taking a break from what you are doing and gently massaging your wrist area with your opposite hand. A professional massage can also be beneficial. Either way, massaging your affected muscles can provide pain relief and relaxation. Do this whenever you feel the need. Do it even when you are not feeling pain to keep your carpal tunnel at bay.
Control Work Activities
Rest periodically. According to OSHA, taking short breaks from repetitive actions such as data entry can help reduce the strain put on your muscles and tendons. During these breaks, stand up and walk around a bit.
Do stretching movements. While taking these three-to-five-minute breaks, stretch your muscles. Not only will your muscles benefit, your circulation will improve, as well. Stretching can provide a quick pick-me-up. Pull your fingers back gently and hold with the opposite hand, OSHA advises. Or lift your arms behind your head. Grab your elbow with the opposite hand and gently stretch.
Make sure your workstation is ergonomically correct. Your wrists should be in line with your forearms, and both should be parallel to the floor. Do not twist your wrist as you place your fingers on your keyboard. Use wrist pads next to your mouse so your wrists are not at an unnatural angle. Adjust your chair height as necessary for proper arm and wrist position.
Alternate tasks. Switch noncomputer tasks such as filing with computer-related tasks. This helps you use a variety of muscle groups, not just one. Perform tasks with your alternate hand to give your hand affected by carpal tunnel a rest.
Wear a Device
You can control your carpal tunnel by wearing a specially fitted splint or brace or buying an over-the-counter version. A bowling brace usually works well. This device will help decrease the movement of your wrist. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons advises wearing the device either during the day or while you sleep. Wearing it during the day can help minimize the movements that aggravate your symptoms.
Use Essential Oils
Use mint oil. According to home-remedies-for-you.com, apply two drops of mint oil in the morning. Cover with a warm wet compress. Leave on for five minutes. This will help loosen the area and increase its flexibility while preparing it for your workday. When you come home in the evening, apply two drops to the wrist and cover with a cold wet compress. This will help reduce any inflammation from daily activities.