Foods to Stay Away From With Fibromyalgia
The website indicates that many fibromyalgia sufferers report that limiting or eliminating dairy intake has reduced fibromyalgia symptoms. There are, however, conflicting reports regarding this approach.
Caffeine excites the nervous system, but ultimately results in an abrupt loss of energy that may exacerbate fibromyalgia related fatigue. Reducing caffeine intake may reduce this symptom.
Tomatoes and other produce from the nightshade family of plants (eggplants, bell peppers) may cause fibromyalgia symptoms to worsen. Experimenting with eliminating these from the diet should demonstrate whether they are responsible from individual to individual.
MSG and Aspartame
MSG and aspartame may over-stimulate pain transmission in the central nervous system, contributing to the widespread pain of fibromyalgia.
Some fibromyalgia sufferers experience migraine pain that can be triggered or worsened by alcohol consumption. Alcohol also acts as a depressant that can worsen fatigue.