Help for a Heel Spur
Using Footwear and Orthotics
Wearing comfortable, well-fitted shoes is essential to help with your heel spur.
Use heel cups inside your shoes. Heel cups can help provide you with support and cushioning that makes walking easier and less painful. They are shock absorbers for your feet. Heel cups can naturally stretch your ligaments and restore correct functioning to your heel states You can buy them in department stores or footwear outlets.
Wear arch and heel supports. Heel spurs need extra firm support in both the heel and arch areas states There are a number of over-the-counter items you can buy to put into your shoes. Or, you can visit a professionally trained orthotist and be specially fitted with footwear.
Rest and Ice
Get some rest. Rest, according to the American Academy of Orthopedics, is the first treatment you need. Rest until your inflammation subsides. Take the weight off of your heel periodically throughout the day.
Apply ice. While you are resting you may want to apply ice to your heel spur for 20 minutes. Do this three times daily.
Use an anti-inflammatory drug. Medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen are often used for their nonsteroidal and anti-inflammatory properties according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Your physician may want to prescribe specific medications for you.
Do stretching exercises. By keeping your calf and ankle muscles stretched, you can reduce the stress put upon your heel spur states
Keep one knee straight with the heel on the ground. Your other knee will be bent. Lean forward against a wall. Your foot arch and heel cord will stretch as you lean forward. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Relax and return to upright position, with your legs straightened. Repeat this exercise 20 times for each heel. As soon as you feel any pain, stop immediately. Start this exercise slowly and gradually build up your duration as your comfort level increases.
Use your countertop. Perform a stretching exercise while leaning forward onto your countertop. Spread your feet apart, one foot in front of the other. According to, bend your knees and squat down. Be certain your heels are on the ground for as long as possible. As you bend, you will feel your foot arches and heel cords stretch as your heel comes up off the ground. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Relax and return to the upright position with your legs straight. Repeat this exercise 15 times.