Life After Lumbar Surgery

When back pain begins to severely affect a person's quality of life, surgery may be their only option. Life can change after lumbar surgery, but with proper post-operative care, life after lumbar surgery can be better than ever.
  1. Identification

    • The lumbar region of the spine is what is commonly known as the lower back. According to Dr. Lali Sekhon of, the majority of lumbar surgeries are to relieve the symptoms from compressed spinal discs. Symptoms include persistent pain or loss of feeling in the legs.


    • Immediately following surgery it is common for there to be no appetite. Mountain States Health Alliance recommends drinking fluids to prevent the body from becoming dehydrated. Your appetite will return over time.

    Activity After Surgery

    • Dr. Sekhon suggests taking at least 2 weeks off from work immediately after surgery. Refrain from lifting or bending for at least 6 weeks.

    Expert Insight

    • In a study published by the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, the average amount of time that it took a pool of 55 lumbar surgery patients to return to full work activities was 24.3 days.

    Life Activties

    • Your doctor will recommend limited bending at the back after surgery regardless of how well you feel. You will be sent to physical therapy to learn the proper ways to turn your body and lift objects. Heavy lifting will be discouraged.

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