Painful Muscle & Joints Diseases

Muscle and joint pain are common symptoms of many diseases. These diseases range from the easily treatable to hard-to-diagnose medical mysteries.
  1. Fibromyalgia

    • Fibromyalgia is a mystery; doctors still do not know the cause or cure for this disease. However, the one universal symptom of fibromyalgia is severe muscle and joint pain.


    • Arthritis is a common condition in which pain is experienced in the joints. This disease can be caused by other autoimmune diseases, septic infection, degeneration or overuse.

    Muscular Dystrophy

    • Muscular dystrophy weakens the body's muscles by replacing them with fatty deposits. The only known cause of this disease is genetics.

    Thyroid Disease

    • Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are both diseases that lead to severe muscle and joint pain. This is caused by a swelling of muscles that are attached to the bone; this swelling can press upon nerves causing pain.


    • Cancer can affect many parts of the body causing pain in those areas. Synovial sarcoma causes pain in synovial tissue, including muscle, that lines joints.

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