Knee & Joint Pain

The knee joint is the largest, and arguably the most problematic, joint in the body. Because of the way it is built, and the strains it endures, the knee is prone to injury and pain. Knowing the causes of knee pain can help you determine its severity.
  1. Significance

    • The kneecap floats in a complex network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone and cartilage. It serves as a fulcrum between the upper and lower leg bones and provides the flexibility and strength we need to be active and versatile in movement. When the knee breaks down, functionality is compromised.


    • Knee and joint pain can come from osteoarthritis, trauma, chronic injury or bio-mechanical reasons. Arthritis is by far the most common, as the knee endures the most pressure of any joint in the body during a lifetime of work and abuse. But any blow or injury can cause recurring pain in the knee or joint.


    • The only reliable identification of a knee pain or other joint pain is by a doctor. A proper diagnosis by a health-care professional is essential to the healing and prevention of further injury to your knee or other joints.


    • Depending on the cause of the knee pain, there may or may not be a prevention for it. If it is a corrective issue, the doctor will advise you of the steps to take in order to avoid further pain and damage. Most often, if arthritis has set in enough to cause pain, there is damage done. But even then there are treatments, such as hyaluronic acid injections, that can help with the pain. Talk to your doctor about preventative measures you can take.


    • Treatment for knee or joint pain can be as simple as taking some anti-inflammatory medicines such as Advil, or as complex as replacement surgery. A variety of treatments such as weight loss, diet change, physical therapy and even surgery is available to help treat the cause of the pain.

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