Symptoms of Shoulder Tendinitis

Also called rotator-cuff tendinitis, shoulder tendinditis is an inflammatory condition. In addition to pain, shoulder tendinitis presents a number of possible symptoms.
  1. Identification

    • Tendinitis in your shoulder occurs when the bands that connect the muscles to your bones become inflamed.


    • The most common cause of shoulder tendinitis is repetitive, strenuous motion, such as throwing a ball or using a tennis racket. Other causes are heavy lifting, poor posture over many years and falling.

    Types of Symptoms

    • Common symptoms of shoulder teninitis include pain, tenderness, weakness, inability to fully move your arm or shoulder and favoring your opposite shoulder to keep the affected one from moving.


    • Pain from shoulder tendinitis is most common when lifting your arms over your head or when you lie on the side of your affected shoulder.


    • The most common treatments for shoulder tendinitis include corticosteroid injections to relieve swelling combined with a prescription or over-the-counter pain medication to alleviate discomfort.

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