Therapy for Arm Tendonitis
Tendonitis is sometimes viewed as a recognized ailment under the Americans with Disabilites Act. As a result, workers can collect workmen's compensation or disability payments and miss work because of arm tendonitis. This increases the importance of arm tendonitis therapy for corporations and smaller businesses. Their goal is to get people back to work.
Types of Medical Therapy
Most doctors usually recommend rest and ice for arm tendonitis. Ice is typically compressed against the inflamed area at 20-minute intervals. Doctors further recommend that a person keep the arm elevated as well to alleviate swelling. If a person is in pain, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory medications can be used for relief. At times, corticosteroids may be prescribed for treating more severe cases of arm tendonitis. Slings and braces can help prevent or reduce arm movement and promote healing.
Types of Physical Therapy
Doctors may recommend certain exercises for a patient with arm tendonitis. Stretching exercises can loosen up tendons, muscles and joints in the elbow and shoulders. Once the swelling goes down, light weightlifting might be instituted as part of the physical therapy program. Weightlifting exercises are designed to build strength in both affected and surrounding muscle groups. For example, stronger upper back and trapezius (at each side of the neck) muscles can provide support for the rotator cuff. Licensed physical therapists are sometimes hired for people with work-related arm tendonitis. They assist people with basic movements and help get disabled employees back to work.
Time Frame
There is no set time frame for arm tendonitis therapy. Typically, those that use a combination of ice, anti-inflammatory medications and exercise can get over their ailments faster than those taking a more passive approach. Rotator cuff tendonitis can take longer to heal than most other types of arm tendonitis because it involves four groups of muscles and tendons. However, more serious cases of tendonitis, despite their location, will normally take longer to heal.
A person can largely prevent arm tendonitis by stretching arm joints and muscles regularly and maintaining a proper diet. Many foods such as vegetables and fruits have anti-inflammatory properties. Certain nutritional supplements such as Glucosamine and Chondrotin are known to prevent flare-ups in the muscles. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant. Vitamin C also offers healing effects.