Relief for Arm Pain
Most people can pinpoint the general area in which the arm hurts. But certain types of problems such as bicipital or rotator cuff tendinitis may be more difficult to self-diagnose. A person may have a strained muscle from overuse, or the muscle might just be sore. The best relief for this type of injury is rest. Strains and soreness usually disappear after a few days. Rotator cuff and elbow tendinitis can last longer. Rest alone may not provide relief for elbow or shoulder tendinitis.
There are times when arm pain can be more serious. If the left arm aches or becomes numb along with chest pain or other symptoms, a person should consult a doctor or get to the hospital immediately. This can be the onset of angina pain, which can lead to a heart attack. This type of pain usually occurs after rigorous exercise, when people can suffer an oxygen deficiency.
Types of Topical and Medical Relief
Most doctors recommend that people use ice for both muscle strains and tendinitis. Ice is usually applied at 20-minute intervals with ice packs. People can ice their arms throughout the day to reduce inflammation. Some people get relief from topical medications such as Bengay. It contains ingredients such as camphor, menthol and methyl salicylate that can relieve arm pain. Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen may also provide temporary relief. And in some cases, corticosteroids may be prescribed for more serious pain such as rotator cuff tendinitis.
Other Types of Relief
After the swelling goes down, a person can usually start some basic stretching exercises to stimulate blood flow to the affected area. The blood contains nutrients and healing properties for alleviating pain and inflammation. Stretching can also prepare the muscle for activity again, as inactive muscles are often tight and inflexible. Sometimes, light dumbbell exercising is recommended for building strength back into the injured area of the arm. Again, blood flow to any muscle can speed up the healing process.
Effects of Vitamins and Supplements
Certain vitamins and supplements are believed to relieve arm pain. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are used by many people to relieve tendinitis. Also, magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant that can alleviate arm pain. Moreover, antioxidants such as vitamins A and C are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.