Detox Diet for Arthritis
Foods to Avoid
In his article, "Altered Immunity & The Leaky Gut Syndrome," Dr. Zoltan P. Rona explains the connection between "leaky gut" and arthritis. Leaky gut, a purported leak in the small intestines, is believed by some to be caused by an overgrowth of candida albicans. When people have candida, there are certain foods that you should avoid when detoxing. These include foods that contain sugar and gluten. Candida feeds on both of these. Most commercial bread, pasta, cereal, snacks and milk contain gluten. It is best to avoid these foods while detoxing, or find substitute foods. For example, you can eat brown rice bread or pasta instead of wheat, which contains a high level of gluten. There are also brown rice and almond milks you can drink instead of cow's milk. If you like sweets such as candy and cookies, try eating those that use sugar substitutes like nutrasweet and aspartame.
Foods For Detoxing
Vegetables are believed to be the best foods for arthritic detoxing, particularly raw vegetables. All vegetables contain digestive enzymes which can kill excess candida fungus and help cure arthritis. But some of the enzymes are lost in cooked vegetables. Eating lots of vegetables promotes phagocytosis. This is when white blood cells purify the blood by eliminating unhealthy cells (those containing toxins that cause joint inflammation). Raw vegetables such as cucumbers, radishes and spinach can be blended or juiced so you better absorb the nutrients. Fruits should be limited but they are natural laxatives. Fruits can help eliminate fecal impactions in the colon, which harbor excess candida and toxins that cause inflamed joints and tendons. You should continue to eat meat for protein while detoxing. Other foods you can eat include most nuts, beans (not canned), millet, brown and basmati rice and buckwheat. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water while detoxing, but avoid chlorinated water.
Yogurt and Garlic
Yogurt contains probiotics or "friendly" bacteria which can replenish the body's natural bacteria. The bacteria in your colon and digestive tract erode as they fight the excess candida fungus. This can allow parasites to enter the body. Parasites also release toxins that can cause joint pain. Consuming bacteria or cultures from yogurt can help kill the excess fungus and parasites, eliminating toxins as well. It is best to eat sugar-free yogurt while detoxing. Garlic is also believed to eliminate candida. Some natural medicine practioners assert that it has antiseptic properties that can heal inflammation in the intestinal walls, joints and tendons. Try eating several garlic cloves per day while detoxing.
Length of Treatment
There is no set time for getting rid of candida overgrowth and arthritis pain. If your pain is severe your detoxing will take longer. However, your symptoms should start improving after a week or two.