Relief for a Swollen Foot
Do not sit or stand in one position for too long. You must walk around and stretch to get your blood circulating. Massage your feet as often as possible. You can do this while sitting in a class, on the bus, or watching television. This helps circulation and it prevents fluids from amassing in your feet or ankles. If possible, try to sit with your feet elevated. If you have a foot stool, coffee table, or ottoman, use them to keep them raised and avoid swelling.
Exercise will help you kill two birds with one stone: you increase blood circulation and burn off excess pounds. Both will help prevent swollen feet. Focus on cardiovascular activities like walking, jogging, swimming, or bicycling. These burn calories, fat, strengthen the heart muscle, and keep the blood flowing.
If you are overweight, engage in exercise that does not place too much pressure on the joints like swimming or going on a bike ride. Running or jogging may place undue stress on the joints as well as cause feet to swell. By losing extra weight, your body will have an easier time returning fluid from the lower extremeties back to the heart.
Extra Tips
There are several ways to relieve the pain of swollen feet simply by making a few changes to your daily routine:
Use a wedge or stacked pillows to elevate feet when sleeping.
Always wear shoes that fit properly. Shoes or socks that are too tight can create and aggravate swelling.
Do not use laxatives or diuretics for extended periods.
Drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water a day.
Massage feet with peppermint or ginger oils. This will help reduce swelling, increase circulation, and soothe the pain.
Apply the aforementioned tips for a couple of days for relief. If the swelling has not decreased or worsens, consult a physician.