Jobs of the Skeletal System
The skeleton supports the body. It provides shape for us and also provides the framework for the body organs to reside in safely. Without a skeleton, our bodies would have no shape.
The bones of the skeleton protect the delicate internal organs and the soft tissue of the body. The brain is protected by the cranium and skull, which also protects the eyes and ears. The lungs and the heart are surrounded by the rib cage and the breastbone. The vertebra protects the delicate spinal cord
The bones are connected to skeletal muscles that allow the body to move. When the muscles contract, they pull on a bone and move it. The skeleton acts as levers for the muscles to allow us to move freely.
Blood Cell Production
Hemopoiesis, or blood cell formation, takes place in the red bone marrow. The long bones of the body have this marrow, as does the sternum and the ilia. Blood cells are essential to life, and so the skeletal system plays a huge role in keeping the body healthy as well.
Mineral Storage
Skeletal bones are able to store phosphorous and calcium. If the body finds itself in need of one of these minerals, it can use the stored amount to maintain itself. The bone releases the necessary amounts of the minerals to keep the body at a level of homeostasis, or a state of balance.
Osteoporosis is a disease that is characterized by a reduction in the mineral density of the bones. It is much more prevalent in women than men. Bone density mineral scans measure the amount of calcium in the bones and can show early signs of loss. Because the skeletal system is a vital part of the human body, it is essential to keep it strong and healthy.