How to Fix Achilles Tendon Problems
Notice your signs and symptoms. The symptoms of Achilles tendinitis usually emerge gradually and become more pronounced over time and with increased activity. These include tightness of the tendon, swelling of the tendon with warmth and pain on touch, pain when lifting up on your toes or pushing with your toes, painful heel on first walking and limited range of motion.
See your doctor or sports clinic. Initial diagnosis of Achilles tendinitis or tear is based on a physical exam and your clinical history. If your doctor suspects a tear or rupture, the diagnosis is sometimes confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). If you are 40 or older, ask for a cholesterol test, because high levels can increase your risk of injury.
Nonsurgical treatment for Achilles bursitis (inflammation) or tendinitis includes icing the tendon area, use of over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin and rest. Elevate your leg while resting and avoid overuse of the leg by walking or kicking. Casting the leg is controversial, and some orthopedists recommend surgical repair for their younger active patients.
Surgical repair of Achilles tendon injuries is rarely necessary. One method of surgical repair involves making an incision on the back of the ankle, removing damaged tissue and reattaching the ends of the tendon. In another surgical treatment for rupture, the two ends of the ruptured tendon are sutured together.