Role of Phosphorus in Bone Health
Effects of phosphorus in bones
Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the body. It is found as phosphate ion and works together with calcium to aid in bone health. Increasing phosphorus levels in the diet is useful in healing diseases such as rickets and brittle bones. Phosphorus acts as a vital component in curing and developing proper function in fractured bones. In case of gum and teeth diseases, phosphorus can be used to restore them to a healthy condition. It is used in the development of tooth enamel and healthy gums. People suffering from arthritis can increase their dosage as it is useful in reducing pain associated with the condition.
Uses in the body
Phosphorus is commonly known for development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It is also used in metabolism where energy is released as a result of burning fat stored in the body. It is used in burning excess calories, too. It plays an important part in the formation of genetic material during the development of a fetus. Another role of phosphorus in the body is in formation of cell membranes and enzymes in the body.
How to get daily recommended amounts
Normal daily diets don't provide the amount of phosphorus required by the body. Eating highly processed, overcooked and unhealthy foods leads to phosphorus deficiencies in the body. It is possible to correct this by creating a diet rich in phosphorus. Fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fish, poultry, lean meat and whole grains are good sources.
Food preparation matters
Preparing foods rich in phosphorus in the wrong way is a major contributor to inadequate supply to the body. Cooking fresh vegetables at high temperatures depletes them of any useful nutrition. Fruits supply the body with this mineral best when they are eaten whole and fresh. Taking them as dried pulp, sweetened juice, powder or supplements doesn't help the body. Preparing fish, meat or poultry in too much oil or deep frying also depletes the nutritional value of the mineral.
Effects of deficiency
Lack or low levels of phosphorus can bring about health conditions such as weak and fragile bones. This is more severe in elderly people. It causes weak teeth, joint pain and sometimes a stiff neck. Other diseases such as arthritis, tooth decay, rickets and gum diseases can develop as well as general body weakness and fatigue. It is possible to suffer from a loss of appetite and become susceptible to common infections.